We're all spending far too much time in our homes, and far too little time traveling the world. If you're missing hotels, there's no reason you can't bring some hotel luxury to your own home!

Add a coffee corner

The newest "it" accessory in new/renovated homes is a cozy coffee corner in the master bedroom/dressing room. If you have space, why not make your life a little easier and add a Nespresso upstairs? Get some plain, clear or white mugs, and make it complete!
Invest in new bedding
You spend a huge portion of your life asleep, so why not make your bed your favorite spot in the house? Invest in high-thread count sheet and a luxurious duvet cover (check out Horchow). You'll be surprised what a difference it makes!
Top your nightstand with luxury
So often, nightstands are entirely practical: lotion, charging cords, book you aren't actually reading. Consider your nightstand an important element of the decor of your bedroom - add a gorgeous lamp, cute, decorative books that you also aren't reading, a tray, and *nice* fake flowers for a tableau.
Add a scent

One of the cheapest and easiest ways to make a room feel special is to bring in your favorite scents. I love scented moisture beads for this - no worry about an open flame! But, of course candles are the classic (even if you don't light them), and can be nice nightstand decor.